Our shipping- and packingcosts within Netherlands:

  • orders up to €50  > A participation in the shipping- and packing costs of € 6,95
  • above €50  > Free shipment.

Shipment to Belgium and Germany:

  • orders up to €60  > A participation in the shipping- and packing costs of € 8,50
  • above €60  > Free shipment.

For shipment to other countries,  please contact us at [email protected]



Returns Are you not 100% satisfied with your delivered products and / or order? We look forward to finding a suitable solution with you. You can return or exchange (part of) your order within 14 calendar days, with the exception of coffee / tea. This period starts at the moment that you or a third party who receives your order receives the shipment. Do you want to return one or more products?

Send an email to: [email protected] stating the return order number to register your return.

After you have received a confirmation from us by e-mail, you send (part of) your order within 14 calendar days at your own expense back to the address below. Add the delivered packing slip to the shipment so that we know which order it is.

Dutch Barista                                                                                                                                  O.V.V return order number… ..                                                                                                    Sleperweg 26                                                                                                                                  6222 NK Maastricht

As soon as we have received the return shipment, we check before returning the amount due via the chosen payment method or sending the replacement product (s).